The Akita Club of Puget Sound (ACPS) was established in 1975 by a group of Akita enthusiasts who were focused on promoting the improvement of health, temperament, structure and soundness in the breeding and raising of purebred Akitas.  An independent Akita Club, the ACPS was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1988, and incorporated by the State of Washington in 1990.  Our membership consists of Akita Breeders and owners, and all have a deep love and commitment to the breed.
 Our members believe in doing all we can to protect and advance the best attributes of the Akita.  We participate in public education, local events and activities that will assist Akita owners and the general public in understanding and enjoying the breed.  In addition, the ACPS sponsors a Regional Independent Akita Specialty Show each year on the third Friday in August, where Akita breeders and owners come to showcase some of the best Akitas from all around the United States and Canada.  The ACPS membership also supports the Washington Akita Group, an Akita rescue organization located in the northwest.
 If you are interested in more information concerning the Akita, would like participate in upcoming events, or just looking to obtain general membership questions, please feel free to contact us!  We look forward to hearing from you...

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Updated: 06/10/2010

© Copyright 2009, 2010 Akita Club of Puget Sound, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Not Available for Reproduction

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